Camping & Outdoors
Outdoors, Hobbies, Travel
Gives you the ability to store all the water you need without taking up much space until you need it. Perfect for camping, hiking, backpacking, hunting, fishing or anything outdoors where space and weight is an issue. Bring these light space saving containers with you to fill on site, or easily bring all the fresh water you need and then not have to worry about carrying or storing the containers when they are empty. Water is easy to dispense for cooking, cleaning, drinking and sanitation.
The Simple, Affordable Solution to Your Flexible Hydration Needs

Perfect For Home Use
Uses sent in by customers: Storing water; dispense from fridge; with hobbies such as distilling; holding tank while cleaning fish tanks; watering outdoor plants; outdoor fresh water for pets & farm animals; parties; entertaining; kids playing outside; sporting events; refill at grocery store; automobile emergency water.

Perfect For Outdoors
Camping, RVs, Hiking,Backpacking, Fishing, Hunting, Climbing, Barbecues, Picnics etc. It's light and takes up minimal space until needed and then transitions to up to a 5 gallon container. Perfect for storing water for cleaning dishes, sanitation & hand-washing stations, drinking or for storing your other favorite beverages.

Safety & Security
Healthy living options are a trend. People are putting more conscious effort into making sure they can sustain themselves with eco-friendly needs & wants. This includes being prepared for natural disasters & unwanted emergencies. We aim to help provide you with an alternative means of carrying & storing your liquids around. We offer PE plastic containers that are economical & nature friendly. A must have for basic survival kits & travel devices.

Quick & Easy Storage
A collapsible water container is very useful for emergency water storage unit and for everyday use. When not in use, this carrier can be neatly stored in a shelf or small bag which makes it worth having if the need arises. Its portability makes it an easy carry-on during family trips or outdoor activities. It’s made of a soft flexible plastic material that can be folded effortlessly.